
Archive for the ‘CBR Links’ Category

Power Man, FrankenCastle, Daken, and the Black Widow

My three latest CBR interviews are up. I speak with writers Rick Remender and Daniel Way about the upcoming crossover between their books “Dark Wolverine” and “FrankenCastle”, which chronicles the rematch between the Punisher and Daken.

Fred Van Lente and I chat about his mini-series “Shadowland: Power Man”, which is about Luke Cage and Iron Fist’s investigation of a new teen hero who has taken up his old identity

And finally, Marjorie Liu and I talk about her ongoing “Black Widow” series

Categories: CBR Links

Antony Johnston on Shadowland Blood on the Streets

In my latest CBR interview I talk with writer Antony Johnston about his mini-series Shadowland Blood on the Streets.

Categories: CBR Links

Mike Carey on X-Men Legacy

In my latest CBR piece, I chat with writer Mike Carey about his work on X-Men: Legacy

Categories: CBR Links

Slott on Mighty Avengers and Hurwitz on Vengeance of Moon Knight

Forgot to post links to my two most recent CBR interviews

I spoke with Dan Slott about his final issue of Mighty Avengers and what it was like working on the book. Plus I talked with Gregg hurwitz about his work on Vengenace of Moon Knight

Categories: CBR Links, Uncategorized

The Marvel Comics News of this past weekend

This past weekend was the first annual Comic Convention and Entertainment Expo in downtown Chicago and there was a lot of big Marvel Comics news that  came out of it. I covered most of it in a series of CBR articles. Here is a list of the stories and links to them

Writer Brian Michael Bendis spoke with me about his new creator owned series with Alex Maleev, Scarlet

Writer Daniel Way and I chatted about his upcoming Hit-Monkey mini-series

I spoke with writer Christos Gage about upcoming Spider-Man/Fantastic Four mini-series

Writer Andy Diggle and I talked about his upcoming mini-series Shadowland and his Daredevil arc with co-writer Antony Johnston that will tie into it.

Me and writer Matt Fraction talked about his creator owned series, Casanova, moving to Marvel Comics’ Icon imprint.

Writer Allan Heinberg and artist Jim Cheung talked with me about their work on the upcoming Avengers: The Children’s Crusade mini-series

Brian Michael Bendis and I spoke again, this time about his work on the upcoming mini-series Ultimate Mystery

Writer Marjorie Liu and I chatted about her upcoming X-23 ongoing series

Writer Rick Remender talked with me about his upcoming ongoing series New X-Force

Writer Jason Aaron spoke with me about his new Wolverine series that kicks off in the fall

Daniel Way and I spoke again, this time about the new ongoing series Daken: Dark Wolverine which also kicks off this fall

Christos Gage also  talked with me again. This time about the faculty of his upcoming ongoing series Avengers Academy

And finally, writer Victor Gischler and I chatted about his upcoming new ongoing series X-men

Categories: CBR Links

Bendis Talks Scarlet

In my latest CBR interview I chat with writer Brian Michael Bendis about Scarlet, his new creator owned series from Marvel Comics Icon Imprint

Categories: CBR Links

Way on Wolverine Origins and Dark Wolverine

In my latest CBR piece I talk with writer Daniel Way about “Reckoning” the upcoming crossover between Wolverine: origins and Dark Wolverine

Categories: CBR Links

Jason Aaron on Wolverine: Weapon X

In my latest CBR interview I speak with writer Jason Aaron about his plans for his Wolverine: Weapon X series

Categories: CBR Links

Gischler on Deadpool Corps and Merc With a Mouth

In my latest CBR interview I talk with writer Victor Gischler about his two Deadpool books for Marvel: Deadpool Corps and Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth

Categories: CBR Links

Jeff Parker on Gorilla-Man

In my latest CBR interview I speak with writer Jeff Parker about his Gorilla-Man mini-series which looks out how the past of the simian Agent of Atlas affects his present.

Categories: CBR Links